First of all, please note that I don’t treat bipolar disorder as it’s out of scope for clinical hypnotherapists and it should only be treated by a doctor or psychiatrist; however I can help people with bipolar disorder using hypnotherapy and NLP ( Neuro linguistic programming ) as tools to facilitate certain self-help programs. Bipolar Affective Disorder should not preclude personal change especially when the client has the desire for such change. Before booking a session, please ensure that you have your doctor’s permission and that your Medical Doctor / General Practitioner / Psychiatrist forwards to me the medical history, current prescriptions and if possible, an assessment of current status – i.e. in depression, mania, hypomania, rapid cycling or balanced.
Bipolar disorder is also usually referred as maniac depressive illness and is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels and the ability to perform daily routine tasks.
We should not deny help to people to improve their lives just because they suffer from a mental illness.
How can hypnotherapy and NLP help?
It can help with self improvement and specifically with:
- Fear and phobias
- Confidence
- AD(H)D
- Pain management
- Relaxation
- Stress management
- Generalized anxiety disorder
- Social anxiety or social phobia
- Panic disorders
- Insomnia
- Low self-esteem
- Difficulty to feel positive
- Irritability
- Feelings of isolation
- Victim mentality blaming other people or themselves
- Bad habits
- Guilt
- Alcoholism
- Headaches
- Jealousy
- Motivation
- Gambling addiction
- Public speaking
- Memory
- Sleep Apnoea
- Snoring
- Stammering
- Migraine
- Losing weight
- Smoking cessation
- General self-improvement
Every person who comes for a session wants some kind of change.
“There is no one to change but self; that self is simply your awareness, your consciousness and the world in which it lives is determined by the concept you hold of self.”
Neville Goddard
- Do you have low self-worth or do you feel worthy?
- Do you feel like a fraud or do you feel successful?
Your self-image sets what you will tolerate and accept in your life.